After a flood event in your community... work together.
The more preparation you put in before a flood happens, the less you’ll need to sort out afterwards. If the worst should happen, work together in your community and help each other - many hands make light work.
- Phone your insurance company to register your claim (contact the National Flood Forum on 01299 403055 for further advice)
- Be careful and use disinfectant when cleaning up flood water as it can be contaminated
- Do not use affected electrical items until they have been checked by a professional
- Seek medical attention if you start to feel unwell following a flood event and make sure you tell your GP about the event
- Ring your water company if you notice a change in water quality such as a change in the colour, taste or smell of your tap water
- Heating, dehumidifiers and good ventilation can help dry out your home. You may notice mould growing on damp walls, this will stop growing as your home dries out but if it persists, contact a specialist cleaner
For further support please contact the National Flood Forum who are a national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding.
01299 403055
Useful Contacts
Environment Agency Floodline:
Open 24 hours in times of flood
0345 988 1188
Environment Agency Incident Number:
24-hour incident number to report river flooding, of an obstruction in the river that might cause flooding, or pollution or many dead fish in a river
0800 807 060
Environment Agency General Enquiries:

03708 506 506
Staffordshire County Council Highways Team
Drain flooding on the roads:
0300 111 8000
National Flood Forum
Advice on flooding and insurance information
01299 403 055
South Staffordshire Water
Water enquiries and emergencies:
0800 389 1011
Blue Pages
The UK’s leading independent flood directory