Flood kit grab bag

Being prepared will make things so much easier if your home is ever flooded.

Putting together an emergency flood kit ‘Grab bag’ is key to minimising the risk and surviving the worst should you choose to stay in your home or are evacuated to a rest centre.


noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Insurance documents and other important documents

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Mobile phones, chargers and a list of telephone numbers

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Children’s essentials (milk, baby food, sterilised bottles & spoons, nappies, wipes, nappy bags, clothing, comforter, teddy or favourite toy)

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Emergency cash and credit cards

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Medical devices, hearing aid batteries, glasses and contact lenses.

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Essential prescription medication/repeat prescription forms

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1First aid kit

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Bottled water (check expiry date)

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Clothing, toothbrush and wash kit

Other items to consider

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Insurance emergency helpline, local council and emergency service numbers, local radio frequencies

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Portable battery radio; a wind-up radio is a good backup

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Torch with spare batteries is best; a wind-up torch is a good backup

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Digital camera to record damage for insurance purposes

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Non-perishable food items such as energy bars or cereal bars

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Blankets, duvets, warm clothes

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Pack of playing cards or family games

noun_tick_1348365_09adc1Wellington boots, waterproof clothing, rubber gloves

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