Training and Exercises
The CCU provides training courses and exercises for Staffordshire Resilience Forum partners and any external organisations that are interested (this does come with a fee for non-partners). The training and exercising of staff is fundamental to any organisation in building its ability to respond to all types of emergencies.
It is a statutory obligation to train and exercise Category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. In addition, training and exercising staff raises awareness of the types of incidents that we may face here in Staffordshire and provides an opportunity for members of the SRF partnership to meet other responders and gain an understanding of the skills and expertise they possess.

In order to assist your organisation in meeting those needs, the Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit (CCU) has put together this multi-agency Training and Exercise prospectus which details existing courses.
The CCU are accreditated by the CPD Certification Service and this should should help all of the Unit’s funding partners and our own staff really get the most out of training and exercising through the CCU.
if you would like to attend any of these courses or require more information please contact email CCU Admin.
E-Learning for Civil Contingencies
The CCU offers a number of E-Learning modules in partnership with Staffordshire County Council via the Staffordshire E-Learning Portal GO.
For more information or to request a log in please contact CCU Admin by emailling
The courses are available to all organisations across the SRF Partnership.